sobota, 19. marec 2016

Queen of Earth (2015)

Slo naslov: Kraljica Zemlje 
Država: ZDA
Leto: 2015
Dolžina: 90',  Imdb
Žanri: Drama, Triler
Slo recenzija: -
Režija: Alex Ross Perry
Scenarij: Alex Ross Perry
Igrajo: Elisabeth Moss, Katherine Waterston, Patrick Fugit 


Silovita, klavstrofobična psihodrama o prijateljicah, ki se znajdeta pred travmatičnim razpadom njunega odnosa.

Catherine se je znašla v temnem obdobju svojega življenja. Njen oče, sloviti umetnik, je pred kratkim umrl, obenem pa jo je zapustil tudi njen fant James. Da bi si opomogla, se odpravi na oddih k najboljši prijateljici Virginiji. A ko prispe na njen vikend ob jezeru, tam ne najde načrtovanega miru, saj jo tarejo spomini iz prejšnjega leta, ko je v tej isti hiši preživljala čas z Jamesom. Virginia se medtem vse pogosteje druži z Richem, njeno tamkajšnjo simpatijo, zaradi česar se začne odnos med prijateljicama krhati, Catherine pa vse bolj drsi v vrtinec zablode in blaznosti. (Via LIFFe)

"Odlična zamisel se mi je zdela posneti ženski film, v katerem so ženske v ospredju in osvetljujemo njihove težave, moški pa so samo naključni tepci, ki so deležni njihove pozornosti in ne počnejo drugega, kot da jim nasprotujejo. V filmu Svojeglavi Philip nisem želel žensk predstaviti kot gibala za moško potovanje, v tem filmu pa to postanejo moški. Med dolgim študijskim raziskovanjem za Philipa se mi je precej stvari razjasnilo, spraševal sem se, ali bi lahko posnel film, ki ne govori o vprašanjih mladega moškega, in ugotovil, da bi bilo imenitno ustvariti film, za katerega me ne vprašajo takoj: 'Ali ste glavni lik osnovali po sebi?'" (Alex Ross Perry)


A bracing, claustrophobic psychological drama and a thrilling examination of a deeply complex relationship between two women whose bonds of friendship are fraying.

Catherine has entered a particularly dark period in her life: her father, a famous artist, has recently died, and on the heels of his death she's dumped by her boyfriend James. Looking to recuperate, Catherine heads out to her best friend Virginia's lake house for some much needed relaxation. However, once Catherine arrives relaxation proves impossible to find, as she is overcome with memories of time spent at the same house with James the year before. As Catherine reaches out to Virginia with attempts at connection, Virginia begins spending increasing amounts of time with a local love interest, Rich, and fissures in the relationship between the two women begin to appear, sending Catherine into a downward spiral of delusion and madness. (Via LIFFe

"I thought it would be great to make a woman's movie, where they're front and center and it's their issues we're dealing with, while the men are just incidental doofuses who just hang around the margins and have nothing to do other than antagonize the women. On Listen Up Philip, I didn't want the women to act as functionaries for the men's journey but in this film that is what the men are. In talking about Philip for so long I started realizing things about it, and wondered if I could make a movie that doesn't deal with any of these issues of being a young man and how great would it be to make a movie where the first question I'm asked isn't, 'Is the main character based on you?'" (Alex Ross Perry)


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