petek, 27. maj 2016

Grimsby (2016)

Slo naslov: (Ne) Profesionalec
Drugi naslovi: The Brothers Grimsby
Država: VB, Avstralija
Leto: 2016 
Dolžina: 83' ,  Imdb
Žanri: Akcija, Komedija 
Režija: Louis Leterrier 
Scenarij: Sacha Baron Cohen, Phil Johnston, Peter Baynham
Igrajo: Sacha Baron Cohen, Mark Strong, Isla Fisher, Rebel Wilson, Gabourey Sidibe, Penélope Cruz 


Via Cineplexx SI

Nobby (Sacha Baron Cohen), prikupen, ampak neumen nogometni huligan iz Anglije, po dolgem času ponovno naveže stike z bratom Sebastianom (Mark Strong), nevarnim agentom MI6, da bi preprečil teroristični napad na svetovni ravni in dokazal, da se za vsakim izjemnim tajnim agentom skriva neroden sorodnik. 

Nobby ima vse, kar bi si lahko želel moški iz Grimsbyja, kar med drugim pomeni enajst otrok in najlepše dekle na severovzhodu Anglije (Rebel Wilson). Samo nekaj pogreša: mlajšega brata Sebastiana, ki ga Nobby išče že 28 dolgih let, odkar so ju ločili, ko sta bila še otroka. Nobby končno naveže stik s Sebastianom, vendar ne ve, da je njegov brat najnevarnejši agent obveščevalne službe MI6 in je nedavno razkril načrt o terorističnem napadu na svetovni ravni. Po krivem obtoženi Sebastian je zdaj na begu in spozna, da bo lahko rešil svet samo s pomočjo največjega idiota na svetu – svojega brata dvojčka. 


MI6's top assassin (Mark Strong) has a brother. Unfortunately for him, he's an English football supporter (Sacha Baron Cohen) from the town of Grimsby. Nobby has everything a man from the poor English fishing town of Grimsby could want - 9 children and the most attractive girlfriend in northern England (Rebel Wilson). There's only one thing missing in his life: his little brother, Sebastian. After they were adopted by different families as children, Nobby spent 28 years searching for him. Upon hearing of his location, Nobby sets off to reunite with his brother, unaware that not only is his brother an MI6 agent, but he's just uncovered a plot that puts the world in danger. On the run and wrongfully accused, Sebastian realizes that if he is going to save the world, he will need the help of its biggest idiot. Written by Sony Pictures Entertainment


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